Site-Wide Environmental Assessment for Marshall Space Flight Center, Alabama

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has prepared a Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) that analyzes the environmental impacts of implementing continuing and future mission support activities at the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) in Huntsville, Alabama. The EA evaluated the potential environmental effects associated with air quality; climate change and greenhouse gases; land use; […]

Apr 27, 2024 - 05:00
 0  17
Site-Wide Environmental Assessment for Marshall Space Flight Center, Alabama

2 min read

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Marshall Space Flight Center Propulsion Lab
Pictured at sunset is Marshall Space Flight Center’s Propulsion R&D Lab, Building 4205.
NASA/Charles Beason

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has prepared a Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) that analyzes the environmental impacts of implementing continuing and future mission support activities at the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) in Huntsville, Alabama.

The EA evaluated the potential environmental effects associated with air quality; climate change and greenhouse gases; land use; water resources; biological resources; geology and soils; noise; traffic and transportation; socioeconomics; children’s environmental health and safety; environmental justice and equity; hazardous materials and wastes, solid waste, and pollution prevention; public and occupational health and safety; utilities and infrastructure; cultural resources; and airspace. The EA found that the Proposed Action would not result in, or contribute to, significant impacts to any of these resources.

Public comments will be accepted through March 4, 2024 and can be submitted to or the mailing address below. Copies of the Draft EA are available at the following library locations: Huntsville-Madison County Public Library   (915 Monroe Street SW, Huntsville, AL) and the Madison Public Library  (142 Plaza Boulevard, Madison, AL). The EA will also be posted on the NASA NEPA Public Reviews webpage (

To request additional information or submit written comments, please contact:

Hannah McCarty

Marshall Space Flight Center

Building 4249/Mail Code AS10

Huntsville, AL 35812



Last Updated
Apr 26, 2024
MSFC Environmental Engineering and Occupational Health Office
Hannah McCarty



Last Updated
Apr 26, 2024
MSFC Environmental Engineering and Occupational Health Office
Hannah McCarty

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