Glenn Construction Safety
Occupational Health and Safety information for construction activities at NASA Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field and Neil A. Armstrong Test Facility. Points of Contact Educational Material Forms To access a form, go to the NASA Electronic Forms site and search for the form number listed below. You will have to download the form to […]
Occupational Health and Safety information for construction activities at NASA Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field and Neil A. Armstrong Test Facility.
Points of Contact
- Eli McDivitt, 216.433.6407; Glenn Construction Safety POC
- Janet Lane, 216.433.2406; Facilities Project Management Branch POC
- Mike Schmidt, 216.433.5501; Industrial Hygienist
- Alex Brown, 216.433.5399; Thermal Stress Program Manager
Educational Material
- OSHA Fall Protection Campaign
- Preventing Heat Illness in Outdoor Workers
- New OSHA Nail Gun Safety
- Cranes and Derricks in Construction – Final Rule
- OSHA Training Videos for Respiratory Protection
- OSHA Prevention Videos – Construction Hazards
- Excavation 101
- PVS Requirements
To access a form, go to the NASA Electronic Forms site and search for the form number listed below.
You will have to download the form to your computer and open it from the download file.
Form Number Form Name GRC7A Hot Work Authorization GRC7B Hot Work Pre Op Checklist GRC199 Confined Space Entry Permit GRC199B Confined Space Authorized Entrant and Attendant List GRC199C Confined Space Entry Permit – EC-199C – Entry Verifications GRC199D Confined Space Personnel Time Log GRC316 Fire Protection Impairment Authorization GRC802 Pneumatic Test Request GRC927 Excavation Permit GRC979 Fall Prevention Plan GRC4010 Pressure Vessel Pneumatic Test Report GRC4012 Piping System Hydrostatic Test Report GRC4014 Piping System Pneumatic Test Report GRC4016 Pressure Vessel Hydrostatic Test Report GRC4018 Piping System Hydrostatic Test Checklist GRC4020 Piping System Pneumatic Test Checklist GRC4022 Pressure Vessel Hydrostatic Test Checklist GRC4026 Pressure Vessel Pneumatic Test Checklist
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What acronyms do I need to know?
- GRC – Glenn Research Center
- FD – Facilities Division
- SHeD – Safety and Health Division
- HASP – Health and Safety Plan
What is a project-specific Health and Safety Plan (HASP)?
The project-specific health and safety plan (HASP) documents the policies, procedures, and techniques that are used to assure the safety and occupational health of the contractors’ and their subcontractors’ workforces on awarded contracts.
The HASP addresses how the contractor will protect GRC employees, the public, and NASA equipment and property. Refer to the project’s specifications and Chapter 17 of the Glenn Safety Manual for more information.
What is the Construction Implementation SharePoint Site?
A SharePoint site is a web-based document management/collaboration tool. The Construction Implementation SharePoint site processes NASA Glenn Construction HASPs.
The SharePoint site allows multiple parties to review the HASP at the same time. The HASP submitter can check the status of the NASA review process for the HASP. Access controls restrict contractors’ view to only their own HASPS.
How do I access the HASP SharePoint for processing?
SharePoint requires approval. To request access, send an email to Eli McDivitt providing the name and e-mail address of personnel requesting access to the site.
Where do I get training on HASPs or SharePoint?
To schedule training, contact Eli McDivitt with the NASA Glenn Research Center Safety and Health Division.
How long does the Safety and Health Division at NASA Glenn Research Center take to review a Health and Safety Plan?
NASA Glenn Research Center Safety and Health Division’s maximum review timeframe is five working days on an original submittal, and two working days on resubmittals. Please note the date listed in the SharePoint site is an internal due date to GRC’s SHeD.
Where can I get access to electronic copies of NASA Glenn Research Center various permits?
This page contains PDF writeable copies of all GRC permits typically used during construction activities. Please see the Safety and Health Manuals on this page for more specific information regarding the permits.
Can I start field work if my HASP has not been concurred by the NASA Glenn Research Center Safety and Health Division?
No. NASA and contractual requirements require that the Safety and Health Division concurs on your HASP prior to field work beginning.
Do I have to comply with 29 CFR 1926 (OSHA) regulations on a federal facility?
Yes. NASA and contractual requirements require that all personnel working on GRC, including construction contractors, comply with OSHA regulations. There are additional safety requirements more stringent than OSHA requirements within your contract. Please consult the project’s specifications and drawings for specific details
What is the current Air Quality?
- Use AirNow to see the real-time impact on air quality in your area.
- Download the free app on the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.
GRC Material
- Glenn Safety Manual
- Occupational Health Programs Manual
- Environmental Programs Manual
- NASA GRC Environmental Policy: NASA Glenn Research Center operates in a manner that protects and preserves the environment through pollution prevention, the continual improvement of our operations, and complying with regulations.
- GRC Contractor Manual
- NASA NPR 8715.3D
- NASA NPR 1800.1D
- Excavation Quick Reference Manual
- GRC Lewis Field Smoking Locations Map
HASP SharePoint Site
Contact Eli McDivitt for information or access.
Thermal Stress
POC: Alex Brown, Thermal Stress Program Manager
Thermal stress is defined as the physical and physiological reactions of the human body to temperatures that fall outside the human normal comfort zone.
Click here for the current weather and weather alerts in Cleveland
- Thermal Stress Training is recommended for all workers exposed to heat or cold stress.
Are YOU prepared for the COLD weather?
- Dress accordingly, and in layers, so you can add or remove layers to maintain a stable core body temperature. You do not want to sweat and retain moisture in your clothing.
- Do you have the right tools in your vehicle for safe operation (such as a snow scraper, jumper cables, blanket, at least half a tank of gas)?
- Do you have a task that must be performed outdoors? If so, follow these tips:
- Practice the buddy system and monitor each other’s condition
- Have a location close by where you can take short and frequent warm up breaks
- Have warm beverages available
- Schedule for the warmest part of the day
Thermal Stress Training
We highly recommend Thermal Stress Training for any employee exposed to natural or artificial temperatures that are either extremely hot or extremely cold. Supervisors of these same employees are also highly encouraged to view the training.
Work/Rest Cycles allow employees to continue to meet the mission and preserve their health by working progressively shorter shifts and increasing their rest breaks in between shifts as the temperature either increases or decreases outside normal range. For example, if the heat index adjusted temperature is 100 degrees Fahrenheit, and you are shoveling 3-4 wheelbarrows of mulch in the sun per hour, you should be resting 15 minutes in a shaded area and drinking water every hour. An alternative example, if the temperature at -15 degrees Fahrenheit employees automatically shift to 4-hour workdays with at least one 10-minute warm-up break. If a 10 MPH wind is added to this extreme temperature, then the maximum allowable work time is 75 minutes with at least 2 warm-up breaks. Moisture in the air, wind speed, protective clothing/PPE, and the metabolic burden of the tasks play significantly into the probability of a thermal stress injury.
A banner at the top of this page will notify you if you should be operating under Work/Rest Cycles.
Supervisors of employees exposed to natural elements need to monitor the appropriate webpage (GRC employees and permanent contract support should go to SHeD Industrial Hygiene and subcontractors should go to this page) for alerts that prompt them to start Work/Rest Cycles based on varying difficulty of the mission tasks. On hot days, a supervisor should be ensuring there is a shaded area to rest nearby with a water source. On cold days, a warm rest area protected from the wind, and a warm beverage, should be provided.
In artificially-produced extreme temperatures, please contact the Thermal Stress Program Lead for evaluation and recommendations.
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